Why Is This Documentary Necessary?
Fertility: We don’t talk about it. We won’t talk about it. And so we suffer. In silence, we suffer. For years, we suffer. Alone, we suffer.
Let's talk... |
The Intention... |
Until or unless the conversation starts, until there is mainstream discourse about our bodies and our fertility and reproductive rights, we will continue to suffer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently categorized infertility as a disease.
Hopefully, Insurance Companies will comply by FINALLY covering treatment for women with fertility issues, including reproductive methods like IVF and Egg Freezing. Until that time, we have to educate ourselves and educate those who are coming behind us. We have to talk about it because no one else is. And the time is NOW! |
The intention of this documentary is to shed light on the ups and downs of fertility in the lives of Black women primarily as a means of uncovering the “taboo topic” and sounding an alarm for younger women to be aware of and proactive in their reproductive options.
My eggs,
My business.
~chiquita lockley